Travelling With A Clit Sucker

Travelling With A Clit Sucker

Having a mobile sex toy is extremely beneficial, being able to pleasure yourself while on the move makes travelling so much better.

Let’s be honest picking someone from a dating app in every location isn’t the greatest and can lead to quite the promiscuous lifestyle, which is not for everyone. A travelling sex toy provides on the go orgasms without having to get caught up in all the nonsense associated with one-night stands or short-term flings.

The only downside is getting caught at customs and having your favorite sex toy hauled out for public display to the family of four behind you in the queue.

Traveling with a Clit Sucker by Air

This mode of transport is the most petrifying for those traveling with sex toys. Airport security is the most jacked up when it comes to international and domestic travel, all it takes is one curious custom official and your case is opened and out pops your clit sucking vibrators for all to see.

Having your clit sucker packed into your hand luggage Is probably the most dangerous place to have it stored when flying. When I say dangerous, I mean in the sense of your prized possession being damaged and chance of it being brought out on display.

I highly recommend flying with your clit suction toy in your packed baggage, this will keep your adult toy nice and safe, wrapped between clothing, as well as decreasing the chance of it being flagged as something suspicious.

Travelling with a Clit Sucker by Car

This is probably the safest way to travel with a clit sucker as you’re able to pack it safely or have it on available for some road trip fun – we don’t recommend this due to safety reasons.

There is also such a slim chance of your sex toy being earmarked as suspicious by traffic officers and border control. If by the off chance you are asked to have your car and luggage checked, the embarrassment is usually spared to one single individual.

Traveling with a Clit Sucker by Boat or Cruise Ship

Just like travelling by car, its way easier to get away with travelling with your favorite clit sucker than travelling by plane. I must point out that travelling with sex toys isn’t illegal, its more managing the amount of people seeing your sex toy if it gets identified as looking suspicious.

When chartering a boar or going on a cruise ship it is very unlikely that your luggage will be checked to the point where you’ll be publicly embarrassed in front of families and other passengers. Generally, you’ll be perfectly fine and won’t have anything to worry about.


I must reiterate that travelling with sex toys is not illegal and its perfectly safe to travel on any mode of transport with your favourite adult toys. It’s just managing the consequences of having these sex toys whipped out for all to see by customs or border control.

This would mostly apply to those who are a bit nervous of being caught with an adult toy, however there are many that don’t really care and this won’t bother them at all.

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